[转]7 Useful Resources to Help You Learn HTML5(7个有用的HTML5学习资源)


Posted by Henry Jones on Aug 11, 2010

Even though HTML5 is relatively new and it’s not supported yet by all major browsers, it is being used now by a lot of web designers and developers. Without a doubt, HTML5 is going to play a big part in the way we develop on the web, for many years to come. As I just mentioned, many people are using it now, but there are also many of you out there that hasn’t touched it yet. Now is a good time to start learning it. So, in order to give you a helping hand with that task, we’ve rounded up 7 Useful Resources to Help you Learn HTML5.

A Web Developer’s Guide to HTML 5


This document illustrates how to write HTML 5 documents, focussing on simplicity and practical applications for beginners while also providing in depth information for more advanced web developers.



The WHATWG Blog is the blog of The Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group, which are the people responsible for the HTML 5 spec.

Dive Into HTML 5

web design books

Dive Into HTML 5 is a book that seeks to elaborate on a hand-picked Selection of features from the HTML5 specification and other fine Standards.

HTML5 Doctor


HTML5 Doctor publishes articles relating to HTML5, its semantics, and how to use it right now. They also invite questions via Ask the Doctor, and post answers in future articles so that everyone can benefit.

When can I use…


This is a one-pager that acts as a cheat sheet of compatibility tables for features in HTML5, CSS3, SVG and other upcoming web technologies.

HTML5 Visual Cheat Sheet


This cheat sheet is essentially a simple visual grid that contains a list of all HTML tags and of their related attributes supported by HTML 5.

HTML5 Gallery


HTML5 gallery has two primary aims, the first is to showcase sites that use HTML5 for markup, so that we can see how people have interpreted the specification and how they’ve implemented it. The second is to help people learn about html5 and how it should be used and how to implement it.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011 | HTML&HTML5


  • # re: [转]7 Useful Resources to Help You Learn HTML5(7个有用的HTML5学习资源)

    前两天收到国外的一个朋友Robert的Email,提醒说本页中的"HTML5 Visual Cheat Sheet“ 处的链接已经失效,同时他将自己网站上的HTML5 Cheat Sheet链接发给我,希望我能替换掉原始链接。这篇文章是转发自国外的一篇博客,原本是要翻译成中文,但是由于当时时间不够充裕,仅放了原文再次,为了表示对原作者的尊重,虽然原始链接已经失效,但也不便作出修改。为方便后来的朋友能够访问到有用的资源,特在此处附上Robert的网址附上,非常感谢Robert:



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