

  • Brute Force algorithm
  • Deterministic Finite Automaton algorithm
  • Karp-Rabin algorithm
  • Shift Or algorithm
  • Morris-Pratt algorithm
  • Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm
  • Simon algorithm
  • Colussi algorithm
  • Galil-Giancarlo algorithm
  • Apostolico-Crochemore algorithm
  • Not So Naive algorithm
  • Boyer-Moore algorithm
  • Turbo BM algorithm
  • Apostolico-Giancarlo algorithm
  • Reverse Colussi algorithm
  • Horspool algorithm
  • Quick Search algorithm
  • Tuned Boyer-Moore algorithm
  • Zhu-Takaoka algorithm
  • Berry-Ravindran algorithm
  • Smith algorithm
  • Raita algorithm
  • Reverse Factor algorithm
  • Turbo Reverse Factor algorithm
  • Forward Dawg Matching algorithm
  • Backward Nondeterministic Dawg Matching algorithm
  • Backward Oracle Matching algorithm
  • Galil-Seiferas algorithm
  • Two Way algorithm
  • String Matching on Ordered Alphabets algorithm
  • Optimal Mismatch algorithm
  • Maximal Shift algorithm
  • Skip Search algorithm
  • KMP Skip Search algorithm
  • Alpha Skip Search algorithm


Friday, March 01, 2013 | 其他技术


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